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Are Diapers Compostable?

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There are an awful lot of misconceptions about what happens to diapers when they head off to the landfill. The truth is that diaper disposal in landfills is a complex process and sometimes there are environmental considerations. This article will tell you everything you need to know about composting of your used diapers in a way that helps the environment while also enabling them not to end up in your local landfill.

Are Diapers Compostable?

To answer that in Short, No, Disposable Diapers are not compostable. Disposable diapers are made up of just three main things, polypropylene, absorbent polymer. These materials are not compostable.

A disposable diaper contains several layers between the absorbent core and the fabric. There are several layers that must be removed before a good compost can be made from them.

Bacteria cannot break down decomposing polypropylene and absorbent polymer, which is why waste incineration is required to reduce diaper waste.

Can Baby Diapers be Composted?

New parents often ask can baby diapers be composted? Not really, as the disposable diaper requires proper treatment before it can be turned into compost. You cannot simply throw out your used baby diapers.

The second you take them off your baby, they’re covered in poop. Diapers may not seem like much of a big deal at first glance, but they are one of the biggest polluters in the world.

If you have cloth diapers, you might be wondering if they can be composted. Many people are under the impression that cloth diapers cannot be composted. However, there is no evidence showing that cloth diapers do not break down in a compost pile, and it’s actually quite the opposite.

Benefits of Compostable Diapers

Because you cannot just throw your used cloth diapers into the garbage like you can with disposable diapers, it stands to reason that using compostable diapers will help the environment.

Even better, using compostable diapers means that you’ll save money in the long run because of lower landfill costs and much shorter storage times. Compostable diapers are great for the environment and require little carbon to make.

Compostable diapers are also biodegradable. They have been tested and have been proven to biodegrade in landfills. In fact, compostable diapers can be recycled through a composting program. So if you would like to keep your landfill free of plastic and paper, then a compostable diaper is exactly what you need.

Where are the Best Places to buy Compostable Diapers?

The best place to buy compostable diapers is online. They provide faster shipping times. The added benefits of buying online are less pollution in your local area, extra convenience, and more cost-effective packaging for the product. Online retailers also offer excellent customer service when you need it, so you won’t have any issues with order fulfillment or delivery.

Different brands of Compostable Diapers

 Bamboo Nature Diapers:

Bamboo is a sustainable resource. The leaves of the bamboo are used to create the disposable diaper. They are soft and absorbent and are much better for the environment than standard disposables when you take into account how many diapers you throw away, how much petroleum is used in their production, and so on.

Plus, bamboo diapers can be bleached with natural bleaching agents so that they can be reused many times before needing to be cleaned with care to ensure their useable lifespan doesn’t wane at all.

Eco by Naty

Eco by Naty is a Swedish company that uses a unique process to create an awesome product. Eco by Naty diapers are made with bio-plastics and have been tried in landfills all around the world. They can be put into landfills without any worry of leeching chemicals or other waste products that may harm the environment.

Final Thoughts on Are Diapers Compostable

Diapers are disposed of in different ways. The most common way is via donation to charities and giving them away to needy victims of disasters. There is a great number of donations since they’re given away so often and it’s never a problem for charities to get them when needed. This also allows the diaper industry to keep growing without compromising its environmental standards by any means whatsoever.

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