Car is becoming a more popular vehicle. Currently, it is estimated that 1.4 billion cars are in use, and 17% of the global population is using this vehicle. However, the number of car-related traffic accidents is also much higher.

Approximately, about 1.25 million people die each year in a car accident and about 20-50 million are injured or disabled. Road crashes are the second leading cause of death in children 5-14. In the US, over 1,600 children under 15 years of age die each year.

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Car Accidents Involved Children During 1990-2017

  • Overall, the number of car accidents that involved children decreases over the years. However, the figure is still quite high since almost 700 car accidents occur in one year that has taken many children’s life.
  • In the United States, 723 children ages 12 years and younger died as occupants in motor vehicle crashes during 2016 and more than 128,000 kids were injured during these accidents. That is the reason why parents are advised that children younger than the age of 12 remain riding in the back of the car to avoid injury.

Deaths At Different Age Groups

  • With babies who is less than 1 year old, parents look after them carefully so the number of death is relatively small. However, the number is increasing though 2014-2017.
  • As the age of children who sit in the car increase, the number of death increase as well since they are more active, hardly stay still in the car. Moreover, parents have a tendency to put their child in the rear seat as they grow up. This action will make children become more vulnerable.
  • About 40% of children’s death in a car accident is at the age group 4-8-year-old.
  • 9-12-year-old children seem to acknowledge about the safety in the car and obey the safety policies.

Seat area that children was placed in car accidents

  • The number of children injured or died in the rear seat increase quickly over the years. This might due to the fact that parents do not use seatbelts for their children while they are sitting at the rear seat. Moreover, many cars crash at the back, making it is more vulnerable for children when they are behind the car
  • The figure of children at the front seat is much lower, only about a quarter compared to the rear seat. At this seat, parents are more aware of seatbelts, as well as they can react to protect their children much faster.

Deaths At Different Gender

  • About 42% of children’s death in a car crash is female, while the number of male children is 58%.
  • Reports show that male children are more active while sitting in the car and they are not likely to obey the safety policies that their parents told them.

Deaths Based On Daily Time

  • 26% of deaths happen between the times of 3 pm-6 pm, as this is the time that the road is crowded and drivers drive most dangerously. The least likely time for a death to occur because of a vehicle crash is 3 am-6 am at 3% because children are not often to travel at this hour.
  • July has the highest percentage of motor vehicle deaths that involve children at 10%, April falls in the middle at 8%, and the lowest of deaths by motor vehicle crashes occur in January at 7%.
  • Accidents also occur during the weekend a bit higher than in weekdays.

How To Be Safe With Your Baby On Car

What is a car seat? Why do parents need a car seat?

Child fastened in a car seat waving on a white.

A car seat otherwise known as a child safety seat us a seat that has been designed specifically to protect children from injury or death while and during a ride in a vehicle. Parents need a car seat for their children because it will protect their children. Car seats save children’s lives and ensure them the protection they need while they are still small and vulnerable to outside injuries.

Using a car seat can give your child the protection they need to avoid injury in the event that you get into a car accident that may otherwise leave your child injured or dead.

Safe Policies

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Use a seatbelt

Your child should be fastened in the car while it is in motion at all times. They should wear the seatbelt for protection purposes until the end of the trip. Typically, a car has a lap and seat belt try to use both of the belts while your child is in the car. It is important that your child knows not to tuck the seatbelt behind them or under their armpits that make the belt less effective.

Don’t share seatbelts

Your child should have a seatbelt to themselves they should not be sharing seatbelts with anybody else.

Always put children in the back

 Until your child is older than 13 years old they should not be permitted to sit in the front seat. It is safer for them in the backseat especially since the deployment of an airbag can cause serious injury that could end in death for your child.

Follow the rules no matter what

Make sure your children understand that these rules apply regardless of what car they are riding in. It is important for them and their wellbeing that they understand that remembering and abiding by the rules is to keep them happy and safe.

Types of car seats

Types Of Car Seats

Baby Car Seats

The weight limit for an infant car seat is 22 to 35 pounds. This type of car seat should always be rear-facing to protect the child. Once the child reaches the maximum weight and height limit you should look into purchasing a different car seat to meet their needs.

Booster Seat

This is the seat that you should use once your child has outgrown their convertible seat. Booster Car Seat will allow you to use the regular lap and shoulder belt to secure your child into the seat. 

Convertible Car Seat

This seat can be used either forward or rear-facing. If you are going to use it rear-facing it can hold a maximum of 40 pounds and if you are going to use it forward-facing it can hold up to a maximum of 70 pounds. Your child should remain rear-facing for as long as possible and once they are front-facing should remain in a car seat until they are at least 60 or more pounds.

5 Things To Consider When Buying A Car Seat

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The style of car seat you purchase is very important as we explained earlier there are three types of car seats the infant car seat, convertible car seat, and the booster seat. Each seat is designed for a specific time in your child’s life and its important to use the right seat at the right time. Please ensure that the seat is the correct one for your child’s height and weight.

Head Support

Baby’s have soft spots on their heads that need to be protected until they harden and their skulls finish forming. A seat with head support keeps your child head from bouncing around during the ride which in turn will reduce the likelihood of a head injury occurring during the ride or in the event of an accident.

Side Protection

Side protection is a simple way of saying impact protection in the case that you have an accident while your child is in the car. It is an extra layer of protection that surrounds your child and will keep them safe. Which comes in handy especially during a car accident.


The harness is what will keep your child securely in the seat as well as keeping them safe from flying out of the seat. It is important that your chosen seat has a harness that will keep your child safe and comfortable. Most seats come with a three or five-point harness.

Expiration Date

Ensure that the car seat isn’t expired because the importance of a car seat that is in date is because you never know if the car seat has been updated or improved. Most seats have a time span of about six years because plastic over time will break down a deteriorate.

Steps to install the car seat

Steps To Install The Car Seat

Installing a car seat comes down to two easy steps that you can use:

Method #1

  1. Separate the carrier from the base
  2. Anchor the base to the backseat of your car
  3. Thread the seatbelt through the base
  4. Pop the carrier into the base
  5. Double-check the base angle

Method #2

  1. Thread the seatbelt through the car seat
  2. Anchor the seat with the tether
  3. Attach the car seat to the vehicles seat with latches

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