Yes, you definitely will!

We understand that there are life situations (medical complications, individual differences, and even the opinions of others) that might make you wonder if you will ever have a baby.

Regardless of what the situation is, you can have a baby. Do you know why?

It is simply because every living thing is created with the innate ability to reproduce its kind. Reproduction is an essentially natural process that ensures a living organism’s continuous existence on earth.

If the existence of plants, animals, and other living organisms is important in the overall ecosystem, how much more MAN?

Reproduction is necessary for humans to preserve themselves on earth. If “man” does not reproduce, then the human race will be on the verge of extinction

But do you know the most interesting thing? 

The woman’s body is naturally empowered to bear children and prevent humans from going extinct. So, the doubt of whether or not you will have a baby is not necessary because your body is created to do so.  

We know the joy that having a baby brings, and you will no doubt experience it. Notwithstanding, in this post, we will inform you of everything you need to know about having a baby and how to improve your chances. 

Do You Want to Have a Baby Soon?

No doubt, the journey of raising a child is an interesting one, and many people look forward to starting their journey early.

We know that waiting to conceive can be a trying and challenging time especially if you are ready to have a baby soon. Regardless of how long you have waited and how many failed pregnancy tests you have taken, you can still have a baby soon.

How will this happen right?

The first step to having a baby soon is by accepting and telling yourself that you can. This may sound basic, but it lays the foundation for having a baby at the earliest time possible.

Your mind and body are delicately connected in an amazing way as what you think and meditate on can affect your physical body.

For example; if you are yet to get pregnant and you consume information about people that could not get pregnant, conditions that will prevent people from getting pregnant, etc.

Soon, you will start to think about the subject, make yourself a case study and then start to play in this movie. The truth is, the more you think about why you will not have a baby, the louder you tell your body that it can’t get pregnant. 

Since the body practically just takes instructions, it will obey you.

Are you surprised?

The mind and the body work together, which is why the best form of healing is one that starts from within. This same principle also works for pregnancy.

If you want to get pregnant soon, you must prepare your mind (having the right thoughts, saying the right things, etc.). Your mind will in turn prepare your body for the process. 

Having a baby may appear like a mechanical process, but it is heavily influenced by your thoughts, emotions, fears, and words. 

Do you know that what you say can affect how soon you will get pregnant?

Oftentimes, your choice of words can send the wrong signals to your mind and body. Alright, I will tell you how. 

When someone that wants to have a baby soon is not falling pregnant, many refer to the process as “trying to conceive”. If you often say that you are trying to conceive, then you may be giving your mind the wrong signal that it will translate to your body.

This is it!

The very meaning of the word “trying” is not positive. “Trying” means that you are putting in a lot of effort, but not getting as much result. The process of trying emphasizes the effort regardless of the result.

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines “trying” as severely straining the power of endurance.

So, instead of saying; I am trying to conceive, use a more positive alternative like; I am preparing to conceive

Now that you have gotten your mind right, when do you think is the right time for you to have a baby?

When is the Best Time to Have a Baby?

Many people believe that the best time to have a baby is in your 20s or early 30s. Medically, a woman can get pregnant right from when puberty begins (mostly from age 11) up until menopause (usually at age 51).

Experts believe that age 30.5 is the best time for a woman to have a baby. This is because they believe it is the time a woman has the highest possibility of a positive outcome for both herself and the baby.

While this is a medical fact based on the most fertile periods of a woman’s life, we believe that the best time to have a baby is unique to every woman.

Your age is just one of the many factors that may influence your decision to get pregnant. You need to consider other factors like:

Your financial readiness

Having a baby requires some level of financial stability because the pregnancy journey is a non-predictable one. You may have to spend money without necessarily planning for the expense.

Asides from sudden expenses, having to take care of another person can strain your pocket if you are not prepared for it. Raising a baby is a pure delight, but it comes with some financial costs.

If you feel like you can’t afford the standard of life that you want your child to live at the moment, then maybe this is not the best time for you to have a child.

Your emotional status

Different things happen every day, and different seasons of your life come with their challenges – we understand!

Being an adult alone is a lot to handle; you need to pay bills, you have a love life, etc. all of which can contribute to emotional stress. Having a baby when you are emotionally stressed is not a great time.

Caring for a newborn requires a lot of commitment that can try your emotions. Adding that to your already stressed emotions may not be good for you and the baby. 

Your mental stability

You need to be mentally stable to give a baby all the love and care he/she needs to thrive. It doesn’t mean that you are mentally challenged, but an increased level of pressure and stress can affect your mental health.

The truth is that a new mom is as delicate as a newborn baby. So, if you want to be a new mom soon, you need to make good choices both for yourself and the baby.

Your support system

Having a baby is not something that one person can pull off alone. I know no one can help you birth your child, but you need all the support you can get to make the process easier.

While most people lean on family members during these times, others seek the support of friends or partners. If you don’t have a support system that you can trust at the moment, then it may not be a good time for you to have a baby.

If you are newly relocated to another state or country, then you may need some time to build a support system for your pregnancy journey.

Your job, career, or education 

If you just got into college or got a new job, or just starting to build a career, then it may not be the best time for you to have a baby.

Going to college or building a career requires dedication just like caring for a newborn. Having a baby at these times can affect your education or career because of the level of commitment that is required. 

We have pointed out some situations that may likely influence you when you have a baby. The truth is, you are the only one that can decide the best time to have a baby – hey! you know your life better than anyone else. 

Just be sure you are considering long-term factors before deciding on the time to have a baby. You also need to be sure that you are ready to have a baby.

Do you Want to Have a Baby? These 6 Signs Will Help You Find Out if You are Ready to Have One

Yes, you may love babies, but are you ready to have one of your own?

Having a baby is a beautiful experience, but you tend to enjoy it better when you plan for it.

Having a baby is a huge commitment laced with loads of sacrifices like; sleepless nights, less time to do personal stuff, catering for an extra person, etc. 

Most people think they are ready to have a baby until they have one and wished they had waited a little longer. 

This doesn’t have to be you, these 6 signs will help you find out if you are ready to have a baby:

You understand and are committed to taking responsibility

If you notice that you do just fine taking responsibility for other things asides from yourself, then it may be time for you to have a baby.

Having a baby comes with loads of responsibilities. Having a baby means that you must be 100% responsible for another person as much as their success or failure depends on you.

If you find yourself honestly looking out for someone, then you may be ready to have a baby.

You don’t feel like you need to prove a point

Many people feel like having a baby is just another thing that you need to do as an adult or a married couple. Some people see it as checking off another life’s milestone, but that is not true.

Having a baby out of necessity/obligation without really considering how you will be a great parent can lead to frustration and depression. 

Babies are adorable, but the process of raising them is not always adorable.

If you find out that you want to have a baby without feeling obliged to do so, then that is a sign that you are ready to have a baby.

You and your partner’s body are healthy

It is no news that pregnancy changes the body. The body needs to be healthy before passing through this process because pregnancy is largely characterized by a series of unprecedented events.  

This is why it is advisable to begin the process with a body that is at its optimal capacity. Asides from you, your partner also needs to be healthy to produce healthy sperm too. 

If you are more conscious of your health and respond positively to your body signals (e.g rest or sleep when you are tired), then it might be a sign that you are ready to have a baby.

You understand that your child is unique and has a mind

With the rise in self-awareness and self-love, many people can’t just tolerate other people’s excesses. If you are going to raise a child, you are going to be raising a different human being even if he/she may look like you.

Just like you have likes and dislikes, the child too will have some. Having a child means that you are ready to do your best in raising a whole human being while allowing them to choose even if they will be guided in the process.

If you excuse and understand people better lately, then it may be a sign that you are ready to have a baby.

You don’t mind making lifestyle changes 

Do you have a daily routine?

If you are the organized type that like things to go a specific way every single time, then you may have to tone that down if you want to have a baby.

Having a routine keeps you organized and on top of things, but you need to give room for changes without the feeling of disappointment. 

Having a baby might mean that you may not be able to tick all your to-do lists each day. If a disruption in your regular daily circle does not affect your mood, then it may be time for you to have a baby. 

You are patient enough to allow others to learn at their pace

One of the attributes of being a great parent is your ability to teach. Having a baby is having someone entirely new on planet earth – they need to learn many things.

If you notice that you can’t stand someone doing something different from what you have said to do, then you may need to hold on to having a baby. 

On the other hand, if you notice that you are more patient with helping others learn (onboarding a new employee at work, etc. ), then maybe you are ready to take on the responsibility of parenting.

We have looked at 5 factors that might help know if you are to have a baby. Let us take a look at questions you may need to ask yourself.

10 questions that will help you know if you are ready to have a baby

  1. What is my plan for pregnancy? Do I want natural penile-vagina intercourse or do I opt for an artificial option?
  2. Is my partner ready to have a baby too?
  3. Can my finances at the moment allow me to care for myself and a child?
  4. What childcare options are available for me?
  5. What is my job’s parental leave policy?
  6. How is my relationship with my partner?
  7. How easily can I get support during and after pregnancy?
  8. How prepared am I to meet a child’s (emotional, physical, financial, and safety) needs?
  9. Do I truly want kids?
  10. Have I had enough time to do the things I had hoped to do before becoming a parent?
  11. Why do I want to have a baby?
  12. Are there anticipated challenges for your health and that of your child?

These questions will help you decide if you are ready to have a baby. 

Useful Ways to Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Are you ready to have a baby, but you are yet to fall pregnant for unknown reasons?

We understand how frustrating it can be to take hundreds of home pregnancy tests, just to get a negative result every single time.

Phew! That heart wrecking disappointment.

Dealing with a series of disappointments can be trying. Sometimes, you just need to open up your mind to learn in the midst of it all. 

A little information may be all you need to hold your little one in your arms.

Lets us take a look at useful ways to improve your chances of getting pregnant. These tips might remind you of the little details you may have been ignoring.

Let’s get started.

Have Sex at the Right Time 

One of the most effective ways of improving your chances of getting pregnant is by having sex at the right time. 

Yes, at the right time.

Many people believe that a woman can get pregnant anytime she has sex, but that is not true. You may only get pregnant when you have sex during the most fertile period in your menstrual circle.

The truth is that you are not fertile all the time. You are only fertile and can fall pregnant when you have unprotected sex when you are ovulating or a few days before your ovulation.

Note: Ovulation is the process in which a mature egg is released from the ovary. After it’s released, the egg moves down the fallopian tube and stays there for 12 to 24 hours, where it can be fertilized.

This means that you can only fall pregnant only on specific days in a month regardless of how often you have had unprotected sex. 

If you are looking to have a baby soon, then consider timing your sex, and make sure that you have unprotected sex within your ovulation circle

How do you know when you are ovulating?

You can know that you are ovulating by noticing physical changes in your body like; an increase in basal body temperature, slight cramps below the abdomen, and discharge of clear slippery mucus from the vagina.

Sometimes, these physical signs might not be so obvious for you to notice if you don’t pay close attention to your body. However, that is not a problem.

You can simply use this when you get pregnant calculator to find out the best time for you to have sex and possibly conceive.

Asides from using calculators, you can also time your sex by

Tracking your menstrual cycle.

Tracking your menstrual cycle from the first day of your period till the first day of the next period allows you to know your menstrual cycle length.

Knowing the length of your menstrual cycle helps you to discover useful details about your body like 

  • The regularities of your menstrual cycle.
  • Your fertile window.
  • The days of your expected periods
  • The periods in your cycle when you can have unprotected sex without falling pregnant (safe period). 
Using ovulation prediction kits.

An ovulation prediction kit is just like a pregnancy test strip, and they function in similar ways. You simply have to urinate on the stick to get the ovulation result. You can get the ovulation kit from a local pharmacy near you.

Understand the Implication of Age When Preparing for Pregnancy

Do you know that a woman’s fertility reduces as she gets older?

Yes, it does. As a woman gets older, certain changes take place in the ovaries that cause a reduction in the quality of eggs produced and how quickly they mature. 

As a woman get older, there is an increased risk for some fertility challenges like uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and blockage of the fallopian tube which may affect when they will get pregnant.

There is usually a sharp decline in a woman’s fertility in her late 30s, and 40s, and downward due to menopause. How early a woman starts to experience menopause will affect the time she will get pregnant.

If your mother started her menopause early, then it is most likely that you will also start early. You may want to start preparing for pregnancy earlier if you have that history. The younger you are, the higher your chances of getting pregnant.

Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy

You are a few months away from holding your bundle of joy. 

Can you remember what we said earlier? Let me remind you!

If you are looking to have a baby, then you are preparing for pregnancy. We prefer not to use the term “trying to conceive” because of its negative undertone. 

“Preparing to conceive” has a more positive outlook on the entire process. That said, preparing for your pregnancy helps you to stay healthy and on top of the whole process (from conception to birth). Lets us take a look at how you can prepare your body for pregnancy.

Eat healthily

While there may not be a special pregnancy diet, eating a variety of healthy foods can help your body prepare for pregnancy. 

Eating healthy food prepares your body for pregnancy by providing it with adequate nutrients that both you and the baby need to thrive such as calcium, protein and iron, according to the Mayo Clinic. 

This means eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, dairy and healthy sources of fat. 

Eat lower amounts of high-mercury fish such as swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tilefish. This is because mercury can accumulate in a woman’s bloodstream which can affect a baby’s development. 

Use the right medication

One of the best ways to prepare your body for pregnancy is by getting the right medications. Before you get pregnant, ask your doctor for prenatal vitamins. These will include folic acid, vitamins B, etc. which help prevent some birth defects like spina bifida.

Medications like folic acid are great for the early stages of pregnancy. That is why many experts advise that you start taking folic acid even before you get pregnant.

If you have special medical conditions, we advise that you speak with your doctor to learn how to deal with or best manage the situation before getting pregnant. 

Cut down on smoking and alcohol intake

Smoking and drinking alcohol can lead to infertility issues in both males and females. Do you know that the chemicals found in cigarette (e.g nicotine and carbon monoxide) speeds up the decline rate of a woman’s eggs, according to the  American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

It’s also a good idea for women to stay away from secondhand smoke, which may affect their chances of becoming pregnant, according to a 2009 study published in BMJ Journals.

Reduce strenuous exercise

No doubt, physical exercise helps to prepare your body for pregnancy and delivery. While it helps to keep your body healthy, strenuous exercises or extreme sporting activities can affect your fertility.

According to a report, frequent strenuous exercise can interfere with your ovulation

First Signs of Pregnancy and How to Stay Healthy During the Process

Have you started noticing any changes in your body?

Your body experiences lots of changes once you fall pregnant. It is your little one’s way of saying hello!

While some changes are mild, others can be harsh enough to disrupt your day. Because everyone is different, some people might not notice any significant change in their bodies while pregnant.

Nonetheless, a woman experiences changes in her body while pregnant however mild. Let us take a look at the first signs of pregnancy and how to stay healthy during the process.

Missed period

This is often the first sign that a woman may be pregnant, especially if she has a regular menstrual cycle.

Nausea and vomiting

Morning sickness, which can occur at any time of the day, is a common sign of pregnancy. It can start as early as two weeks after conception.


Feeling tired or exhausted is also common during early pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body can cause a woman to feel sleepy or lethargic.

Breast changes

The breasts may become swollen, sore, or tender during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

Cramping and spotting

Mild cramping and spotting may occur during early pregnancy as the fertilized egg implants in the uterus.

Mood swings

Hormonal changes can cause mood swings, irritability, and emotional ups and downs.

You can stay healthy while pregnant by doing the following:

Eat a balanced diet

A healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is important for pregnancy. Avoiding processed and high-fat foods are recommended.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy. Walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are great options.

Get enough rest

Getting enough sleep is important for both the mother and the baby. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is important during pregnancy, especially in the early stages when nausea and vomiting may be present.

Take prenatal vitamins

Prenatal vitamins contain important nutrients such as folic acid, iron, and calcium that are essential for a healthy pregnancy.

Avoid alcohol and smoking

Both alcohol and smoking can have harmful effects on the developing fetus and should be avoided during pregnancy.

Attend prenatal check-ups

Regular prenatal check-ups with a healthcare provider are important to monitor the health of both the mother and baby.

Recognizing the signs of pregnancy and staying healthy during the process is essential for both you and the baby.

Signs of Infertility and the Best Ways to Deal with them 

Do you think an infertility issue is stopping you from having a baby?

Yes, we know we said that everyone woman has the innate ability to bear children. However, a medical/infertility issue can be standing between you and your pregnancy.

While some infertility conditions might be mild, others might be severe. Regardless of the condition, there is always a way out. 

Let us take a look at the signs of infertility and the best ways to deal with them:

Note: Some people that suffered severe infertility conditions still had babies of their own. Medicine cannot explain many things. Don’t give up! You will also carry your baby soon.

Irregular periods

Women with irregular periods may have trouble ovulating, making it more difficult to conceive.

Painful periods

Painful periods, or dysmenorrhea, can be a sign of an underlying condition that can affect fertility, such as endometriosis.

Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances, such as high levels of prolactin, can affect ovulation and fertility.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

PID is an infection of the reproductive organs that can cause scarring and damage to the fallopian tubes, making it more difficult to conceive.

How to Deal with Infertility in Women

A fertility issue does not mark the end of your pregnancy and childbearing experiences. Some fertility issues can be easily managed through medications and surgery.

Some people have been able to conceive amidst infertility. These are some of the ways that you can get help.

See a fertility specialist

If you have been trying to conceive for over a year without success, it is important to see a fertility specialist for evaluation and treatment.


Depending on the underlying cause of infertility, medications may be prescribed to regulate ovulation or treat underlying conditions such as endometriosis.


In cases where there is scarring or blockage in the fallopian tubes, surgery may be necessary to improve fertility.

In vitro fertilization (IVF)

IVF is a fertility treatment that involves fertilizing eggs with sperm outside of the body and then transferring the resulting embryo to the uterus.

Your Baby is On the Way!

Regardless of what the issue is, we believe that your baby is on the way and we want you to do the same. Your body was made to do this, and it will. Relax and trust your body to do what it is programmed to do.

If you have specific complaints, we advise that you talk to a doctor to understand how best to deal with the situation. 

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