If I Started My Period Today When Will I Ovulate

If I Started My Period Today When Will I Ovulate [Calculator]

A Definite Answer is Impossible

If you’ve just started your period and you are curious to know when you will ovulate, giving a definite answer is impossible. This is because various aspects contribute to when your ovulation will occur. Let’s provide you with the information you need for a better grasp. 

First, your menstrual cycle is the primary determinant of when you will ovulate. It begins every month with the first day of your period (for instance, you are just starting a new menstrual cycle today) and ends on the first day of your next period. On average, this cycle lasts around 28 days, although it can vary from person to person. 

During this cycle, your ovulation is usually halfway through it. However, the length of your cycle and the luteal phase which occurs during your menstrual cycle also influence when you will ovulate.  

Let’s see how you can use these aspects of your menstrual cycle to discover your ovulation. 

How to Discover When You Will Ovulate If You Started Your Period Today

With the fact established that it’s hard to give a definite answer of when you will ovulate except it’s based on your menstrual cycle, let’s take a look at the phases in the menstrual cycle. Here’s a breakdown of the phases:

Menstrual Phase

The menstrual phase marks the beginning of your cycle. It’s a period where your uterus sheds its lining. According to the National Health Service, this phase lasts for about 2 to 7 days.  If you decide to subtract your menstrual phase from your cycle you are left with three other phases. Understanding all these will help give you an approximation of when you may ovulate. Let’s see the next. 

Follicular Phase

Following the menstrual phase, your body enters the follicular phase. During this phase, follicles in your ovaries mature and prepare to release an egg. The length of the follicular phase can vary, however, it typically lasts from 14 days to 21 days, depending on your menstrual cycle. This makes it the longest phase in a menstrual cycle. 

The follicular phase points to the ovulation period. This means if you subtract this phase from the menstrual phase, you can know when your ovulation will occur. That’s great! Let’s give it a try: 

Supposing that your follicular phase lasts for 15 days. 

  • If your menstrual period lasts for 5 days, then subtracting 15 from 5 gives 10. This means, your ovulation should occur 10 days after your menstruation. 

Although it’s great news, it can be challenging for you to estimate how many days are in your follicular phase. Remember, the follicular phase can last from 14 to 21 days. Here’s a cheat! By using the NPJ’s data, the calculator can solve that problem. 

But there could be a better approach, and that’s the luteal phase.  


When Will You Ovulate Using Another Phase in Your Menstrual Cycle

With a total of four phases within the menstrual cycle, another phase that can help you predict when you will ovulate is the luteal phase.  

The luteal phase 

The luteal phase occurs immediately after your ovulation. During this phase, an egg is implanted in your uterus lining if it becomes fertilized by a sperm. This shows that this phase prepares you for pregnancy. 

According to Cleveland Clinic, the luteal phase occurs in the second half of your menstrual cycle. So, for a 28-day cycle, this phase can begin around the 15th day and lasts till the beginning of the next period.  

As we’ve said, tracking the luteal phase can also help in predicting the timing of ovulation. Let’s see how:

For example, if your average menstrual cycle is 29 days, and the luteal phase lasts for 15 days. Subtracting 15 from 28 gives you 13. Working with this, you are likely to ovulate on the 13th day of a 29-day menstrual cycle. 


With a 28-day Menstrual Cycle, If I Start My Period Today When Will I Ovulate? 

With our understanding of the menstrual cycle, determining when you will ovulate if you have a 28-day menstrual cycle should be much easier. 

Let’s go through it once again. To estimate when you will ovulate, 

Subtract 14 days from the length of your cycle. The results should be 14. This indicates that you will likely ovulate around day 14 of your cycle. 

There could be a more easier way. 

The Ovulation Calculator

The ovulation calculator can make things easier for you by doing all the manual calculations for you. All you need is today’s date and the average length of your menstrual cycle. To determine when you will ovulate if you started your period today, make use of the calculator below. 

Ovulation Signs You Can Look Out For

We’re glad the calculator can help you in determining when you will ovulate. For further guidance, you can watch out for some of these ovulation signs:

1. Changes in cervical mucus

As you approach your ovulation, there’s an increase in the estrogen your body produces and this results in your mucus becoming clearer, stretchier, and more similar to raw eggs. 

2. Increased sensitivity

You may experience an increase in your sense of smell than other phases in your menstrual cycle. This is due to the fluctuation of hormones during the different phases. 

3. The use of ovulation kits

You can make use of an ovulation kit to tell if you are ovulating. 

4. Cervical Position Changes

Throughout your menstrual cycle, the position of your cervix can change. When you are ovulating, your cervix tends to be higher, softer, and more open. 

Other signs you can look out for are headaches, feeling nauseous, increased libido, ovulation pain, a shift in your basal body temperature, and so on. 


While we hope we’ve done justice in answering your question. Here are key things to note:

The length of your menstrual cycle (short or long) deeply affects your ovulation period.

By tracking your cycle over time and observing patterns you can gain more insights into how your menstrual cycle works. 

If you have any concerns about your menstrual cycle, ovulation, or any irregularities, see your doctor. 

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